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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bush the Arrogant

Los Angeles Times-September 28, 2008

"As the Bush administration attempts to stabilize the nation's economy, we are witness to the final chapter of a period of perverse and dishonest leadership that has used its own crises to justify the expansion of its own power. This was a president who came to office on promises of modesty -- who championed a "humble nation," scorned nation building and promised a more limited role for government in the lives of its citizens. Then he presided over a six-year attempt to tear down and rebuild the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and now has embarked on the most profound expansion of the federal government's role in the private economy since the Depression.

In both cases, the pattern is the same. Ineptitude led to crisis; crisis then became the argument for the radical expansion of executive power. The administration insisted that it exercise its new authority with a minimum of scrutiny by Congress, the courts or the public"

"President Bush's latest permutation of crisis management is the last straw. But who best to roll back the excesses?"

Click here to read the rest of this incisive editorial.

It says what I believe without a doubt better than I can.

Fredrick Roswold


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